Steve Holt to serve as next Rector at the Church of the Guardian Angel

We are thrilled to announce that a new Rector will be coming to the Church of the Guardian Angel: Father Steve Holt.

Father Steve Holt is coming to us from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, where he has been serving as the Assistant Director for the Homelessness Solutions team. He is also the 1st Vice-President of the Ednor Gardens-Lakeside Civic Association, and has been active in Baltimore since moving here eight years ago. Previously, Steve was the Director of Community Engagement for Citizens Planning and Housing Association (CPHA), and a community organizer with Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice in Los Angeles, CA. He holds a Master of Divinity from Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, CA.

In addition to his clergy role, Father Steve will also serve as Director of our Food Pantry program, a new professional position at Guardian Angel that we are thrilled to have him inaugurate. Funding for this position is coming from a Community Development Block Grant from the US Department of Housing & Urban Development, administered by the City of Baltimore.

Guardian Angel has long been at the heart of the community here in Remington in addition to our role as a religious institution. Through the Food Pantry, community meals, Homework Club, AA meetings, community association (GRIA) meetings, and various workshops, we love providing a venue for the community to come together. We are excited about the skills and experience Father Steve will bring to that part of our mission as Food Pantry Director.

Steve will start at Guardian Angel no later than July 1st.

From Father Steve:

"I am incredibly excited to be joining your congregation, and to be a part of a church that already plays such an important role in its community. I look forward to getting to know all of you more and to working with each of you as we continue to show our neighborhood the love of Christ."

Our deepest thanks to everyone who has supported us over the past year since Pastor Alice's retirement. Please pray for Father Steve and his family as they prepare to join us. 

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